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Showing posts from August, 2022

How Einstein reassured that light is a particle?

  It was the period of Newton when he said the light is nothing but a stream of particles, and with which the reflection, refraction and other observed phenomena are explained. Everything was good. But after that, there were new observations which could not be explained by the particle nature of light. The famous one was Young's double slit experiment, which deduced that light was nothing but a wave and was later known to be a type of electromagnetic wave (with the help of Maxwell's equations).  Then scientists re-explained how the wave-light could perform the reflection, refraction and other phenomena which were previously under the category of particle-light. So people changed their perspective and agreed that light was a wave. Again, everything was good. But with no concern about the mental peace of scientists, another observation had appeared - the photoelectric effect. What is the photoelectric effect? In short, you throw the light at the surface of metals, and they give o

Preparation to switch from normal to geared bicycle...

There is no need to say what a cycle is. When you are asked to picture a cycle (or) bicycle, here is your typical photo. We refer to the above pic as a 'normal' cycle. You would have also known about the 'gear' cycle, where the chain can sit on various levels, like this. If you are a person who wants to switch from a normal cycle to geared cycle (like us), we think our experience might help you regarding that.  NOTE : This post is not about how the gear cycle works. 1. Is a gear cycle faster than a normal cycle?      No, a gear cycle is NOT  equal to a bike. The maximum speed achieved by the gear cycle and a similar normal cycle is the same. You will not get any speed advantage because of the gears. 2. Then why use gear cycles?     Gear cycles are used mainly to provide comfort during cycling. You need less effort by the legs to keep the cycle moving when compared to the normal cycle. 3. What is the trade-off for comfort?     Yeah, as you may know/guess, we are sacrific