A little more about simplex, half duplex and double duplex communication systems ( in terms of Band Width )
In communications, you might have come across simplex, half duplex and full duplex systems.
Further than definitions, we have following thing:-
- In simplex, as there is only one side communication, the allocated Band Width (BW) allocated can completely used by the signal itself. Same is the case with the half duplex, since only one signal can use the channel at a time
- But in the case of full duplex, there will be a simultaneous transmission of two signals ( transmitted and received ). So, there can be following observations :-
- The channel BW has to be divided into two halves, each half allocated per signal.
- For each half of the BW, there will be a carrier signal frequency at the center of the band.
- If the channel capacity is more, then it is more effectively used when it is employed with full duplex system. In simplex and half duplex systems, even though channel has more capacity, it goes useless if it is used only for transmitting only one signal...
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